The Michigan Mobility Institute is focused on boosting the mobility talent pipeline, strengthening connections to high-growth careers, and retaining existing workers within the evolving automotive industry. We seek to develop career pathways by connecting to youth STEM initiatives and are committed to creating opportunities for people from diverse backgrounds, including underrepresented minorities, women, and communities of concern.

By collaborating with existing community colleges, trade schools, and online learning platforms, we will help support readiness for new skilled trades jobs here in Michigan and beyond. New opportunities include autonomous vehicle and high voltage EV repair, connected fleet management, and Level 4 AV safety drivers. We will develop hands-on learning through access to autonomous vehicles and connected vehicle test tracks or roadways.

As software, new technology, and services-based business models become the new norm within the existing automotive industry, senior leaders will also require access to new training. We will offer seminars to help current and future leaders build an awareness of current trends and build a global network of fellow mobility executives.

To meet the demand for a new type of engineer and to help ease the talent supply gap, the Michigan Mobility Institute, together with select university partners, will focus on creating advanced degrees which develop a systems-level understanding across key mobility subject areas, including software development, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data sciences.

Talent is the fuel that will power the future of mobility in companies of all sizes. With Michigan’s strong automotive manufacturer and supplier base, many who participate in this next-generation mobility training will have opportunities to remain in positions with existing corporations. Others, however, will join growing regional startups or launch their own companies.

Michigan Mobility Institute has prioritized the needs of talent and talent-seekers, by providing organized data that will help support your work. Here you will find access to data and other websites that can guide your path of mobility research and learning.